Family First
Family doesn’t have to be who you are related to by blood, its about who is in your corner, its about who supports you and your dreams. Family is the gift of the Universe that connects all of us through a smile, a hug, and the feeling of togetherness. When you join Building a Better Tomorrow, you become a part of a bigger family, focused on inspiring purpose, through a promise.
We can't wait to meet you.
I grew up in a large family, was raised by a single mom, who had 5 energetic kids. Our house was rarely ever quiet, other than when we waited for “Santa” to drop off our gifts on Christmas day. The feeling of having someone to reach out to, someone to rely on, and someone to help through life has been etched into the very fiber of my being. I attended some pretty amazing schools throughout my childhood, and met people from all walks of life. It wasn’t a humbling moment, it was what I knew. Living in culturally diverse areas, going to friends houses who had divorced parents, making friends at the park who were complete strangers, all of this is what helped turn me, into me. In my youth I had close friends whose parents were from other countries, I met kids who had two dads, and two moms, or just grandparents who raised them. I also had friends who lived in the foster care system. It made me realize one thing, we are all the same. Just born in a different environment. I felt it wouldn’t be fair to watch others go through life without having the basic guidance they need to thrive in adulthood.
With Building A Better Tomorrow, we are going to welcome all participants, volunteers, sponsors, and partnerships as family. With that being said, we will be hosting family events, with movies, board games, bounce houses, fun runs, and maybe even have a day where we have a bubble event and get messy!
Would like to preface that Building A Better Tomorrow is volunteer based, so we will not be offering any type of child care programs such as day care, or mothers day out programs. If you are in need of assistance, our website has direct links to all resources available within the area. Feel free to reach out to us if you need help navigating our website.
Remember, our goal with Building A Better Tomorrow is to inspire purpose, through a promise. That will be done by ensuring the youth feel happy, healthy and safe.
-April Bonham Curry, Founder and Director of Services